Sunday, December 30, 2007

i bid thee farewell

Today marked a joyous occasion...our final Sunday of 1:00 pm church. Oh how I look forward to next Sunday, with the early rising and meetings done by noon. Somehow I know my Sundays will become more productive and meaningful in 2008. If only I could say goodbye to unruly Sacrament meeting behavior next year, too!

Friday, December 28, 2007

it works!

This afternoon I went out to my van to run some errands, only to discover that one of the back sliding doors had been left slightly open and my battery had died. As I attempted several times to turn the car on, a funny thing happened. Our built-in DVD player ejected The Jungle Book 2. This is funny because I haven't seen this movie since about June 2007, when this same DVD player stopped working. We really wanted to fix it before we went to San Diego, but I just couldn't justify spending the money on it. To be honest I had forgotten that we had one in our car. So, out pops the movie and suddenly the DVD player is working again. It's like finding a $20 bill in your coat pocket. A nice surprise, even if we had to push the car out of the garage in order to get it close enough to another one to jump the battery.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

white christmas

Just like the flurry of snow that we awoke to on Christmas morning, this last month has been a blur! I can't believe that it has been so long since my last post! As such, this post will be a flurry of random. Here goes.

Thanksgiving came and went. We had a great time with my family. All of my siblings were here with the exception of Marcee, who had to work. I hosted the meal at my house, but had considerable help with the food from my mother and sisters. All I really did was make the desserts!

Gracie has been growing so fast. Several days ago she began to stand really well on her own, but being the delinquent photographer that I am, my memory card needs to be emptied and as a result I have no picture of her feat yet. That will soon be rectified. She is also the proud owner of her two front teeth, complete with what seems to be the trademark wide spacing for our girls. She has also become ravenous. I don't remember either of my first two children being so excited about food at this age. She loves it!

Derrick and Abbie performed in their class music programs last week and did a wonderful job. Abbie loves to sing, and we recently discovered that for the first part of the month she was singing the following..."Goat, tell it on the mountain." It seems we have all picked it up.

Abbie is very big on crushes. The current object of her affection is a little boy named Reed. I find his name written in various locations. We saw him at McDonald's one morning for breakfast and she is clearly smitten.

Christmas was wonderful. The highlight seems to be the Playstation that Derrick and Abbie received from my parents. In particular, Guitar Hero is a hit, especially with the adults. We had a jam session last night, pictures to come as soon as I empty the aforementioned memory card!

There is so much more I'm sure I'm forgetting to post about, but my brain is mush. As the new year approaches with the promise and hope of changing for the better, I look towards getting back on track here as well. More everyday stuff, less "catching up" in brief snippets.