It was all over her arm and her legs. As if drawing on herself isn't bad enough (she does it all too often), we soon learned that she has selected a new victim. Fortunately we got to her in time to prevent any serious trauma. Needless to say, we'll have to keep a closer eye on Abbie when she is in posession of any writing utensils!
Monday, March 26, 2007
pens and pencils are for paper
It was all over her arm and her legs. As if drawing on herself isn't bad enough (she does it all too often), we soon learned that she has selected a new victim. Fortunately we got to her in time to prevent any serious trauma. Needless to say, we'll have to keep a closer eye on Abbie when she is in posession of any writing utensils!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
gratitude sundays (sleep)
Thursday, March 22, 2007
a little of this, a little of that
First off, like most little girls, Abbie loves to sing and dance. She picks up song lyrics from all sorts of places. We are often serenaded with the sounds from High School Musical and Hannah Montana. Yes, I know that she is only 4 and that these shows should appeal to an older crowd, but they appeal to her. Of course we hear some Little Mermaid and JoJo's Circus, too. Although she loves music in general, a favorite song has recently emerged, and it has no Disney ties whatsoever. On the contrary, it has Matchbox 20 ties.
I speak of Rob Thomas, and the song is Lonely No More. While she doesn't really know most of the words, she gets the melody and kind of mumbles along, except for the chorus of "whoa, whoa" which comes out loud and clear. For the last two weeks, every time we get in the car, Abbie wants to hear her favorite song, and we must repeat it over and over. About the time that she decided it was her favorite song, I was driving along, singing to it myself, and out of nowhere she said, "Mommy, it is so beautiful when you sing!" While I have musical training, it is certainly not with my voice, but the comment was cute. So, I'm sure we'll all by Lonely No More for some time to come.
On to Derrick. Last week I finished teaching a piano lesson and went in to the living room to find Derrick watching the movie Over The Hedge. Normally this would have been alright, except for the fact that we don't own the movie, hadn't rented it, and it wasn't on any normal channels. That's son has figured out how to order movies on pay-per-view. Needless to say, we quickly figured out how to change our DISH settings to prevent that in the future.
Finally, the new season of Dancing with the Stars began this week. I will admit that I love this show. Partly because I've always liked dancing, but mostly because it has convinced my husband that one day it will be OK to take dancing lessons together. This coming from the man who refused to have any dancing at our wedding. Anyways, my little sister stayed with us earlier this week and she watched the first episode with me. When it came time for Heather Mills to dance, I was trying to explain to Katie who she was. Basically her big claim to fame is being married to one of the Beatles. Well, my 11 year old sister has never heard of the Beatles. How does that happen? Anyways, I'm hoping that Joey Fatone wins. Not that I'm a fan or anything, I just think he will probably be the best dancer. I was kind of bummed when Mario lost last year. Emmett was entertaining, but clearly not a better dancer than Mario, which is what it should be about in my opinion.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
gratitude sundays (where I live)
Saturday, March 17, 2007
GM, you're funny!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
gratitude sundays (an easy baby)

Saturday, March 10, 2007
loose tooth
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
welcome karin

maternity leave
Sunday, March 4, 2007
gratitude sundays (a healthy family)
Over the last week I've been blog-hopping. I've noticed a trend among a number of fellow bloggers. This trend involves writing a particular type of post on a specific day of the week. While I may choose to adopt some of the other ideas that I've seen, to start with I've decided to pick a day and topic of my own. That's why I'm declaring Sunday as a day to post about my blessings and things that I am grateful for. I'll try to pick just one a week. It's the reflection on the blessing that I'm interested in, along with the opportunity to remind myself of what I have when I sometimes forget. I invite anyone who wishes to join in!
Events of the last couple of weeks have directed me to reflect on this first blessing I want to record. A few years ago I used to work for a company that provided services and programs to people with disabilities. During that time, one of our directors began his family, only to find out that his daughter has many serious problems when she was born. Fortunately, being in the field that he was, he was better equipped to deal with these challenges than most people. About two weeks ago, I learned that he and his wife were expecting another child. Unfortunately, they had just had an ultrasound and learned that this new baby would also have serious health problems. My heart is broken for them. I am blessed with three beautiful, healthy children. When I feel tired or stressed with the demands placed on me by my three, I think of how much harder it would be to deal with the additional trials of disability and sickness. I don't know if I could do it.
On Friday we learned that the 2nd Counselor in our bishopric was just diagnosed with a brain tumor. He and his wife are several years older than us, but they have a young family with 3 children in the same age ranges as our children. He is a dentist here in town and has just opened a new pediatric practice. She is Abbie's CTR 5 teacher, and taught Derrick last year. My children love seeing her on Sundays. As 2nd Counselor, he is responsible for the Primary and since I'm the Secretary, I see him a lot on Sundays, too. I can't imagine what they must be going through right now. Supposedly the tumor is benign and operable, but you never know what might happen. Even with surgery, he may have hearing loss and partial facial paralysis. I've been concerned about whether or not he may lose some hand function as well, which could be a huge problem with his career. I didn't go to church today because I'm staying home with Grace until April, and Jon had to work, so I don't know if there is any new information or not. What I do know is that when we got the call on Friday, Jon and I talked about the blessing of a healthy family. When all is laid out on the table, I would rather have the problems that we have than the ones of these two families right now. Sure, I can't know whether or not we may ever have to experience these types of challenges, but for the time being, here in the now, I am blessed.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
random thoughts